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What is a Knower ? Everyone has a Knower, however we all call it something different. When I was seven years old, I met Laura Lee Crystal Wells; a strong woman who would turn into my first artistic mentor. I studied art with Laura for many years and through the wonderful process of learning she introduced me to my Knower. Your Knower is your artistic spirit she told me; it is what you as an artist look for as a guide. You want to nourish your Knower, create positive energy to encompass it, feed it with healthy food and surround it with other creative spirits. Therefore I chose the title KnowerWorks for my website, a collection of artwork that my Knower helped me to create.



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© 2003 Emusaint Design

My News-Journal

August 20, 2005

Hello everyone this is my first entry to my website journal. My dear friend Hugh built me this website so that I can get my artwork out there as well as keep in contact with friends and family while in London . Starting the 18th of September I will be living in London for a few years to earn a Masters in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College University of London. Right now I am in California just packing and getting ready. Just a few days ago I finished the painting, “ Arlington ” and am currently working on a self-portrait.

Current Project

The painting "Arlington" was just finished a few days ago. You can click on the picture of it below to view its progression. Currently I am working on a meduim scale self-portrait. I will post pictures of it soon.

“ Arlington ” is a very emotionally loaded painting for me; that first began to come alive after hearing a song by the band “Clutch.” The song of reference is very heavy and deals with death, yet in a sexually charged way...


To keep myself in painting “shape,” I drew inspiration from a small fish pond I encountered while in San Francisco . The painting focuses on different ways of looking at the fish pond...