
“ Arlington ” is a very emotionally loaded painting for me; that first began to come alive after hearing a song by the band “Clutch.” The song of reference is very heavy and deals with death, yet in a sexually charged way. After hearing the song, which references a large tree, I knew the dominant figure in the painting would have to represent the tree from the song.
I decided on pomegranates for the background because I have been attracted to their unique pattern for some time. The pomegranates are also an autobiographical symbol of me, as my dad and I used to eat pomegranates when I was younger.

This is a memory that has stuck with me throughout the years because it was something we did with just the two of us. Using these ideas of trees and pomegranates, I started to paint.

Once a painting has been started, it becomes important to pay attention to and react to the painting itself, more than the idea of its previously conceived end. I kept this in mind throughout the painting process of “ Arlington ,” and allowed it to develop on its own.

“ Arlington ” as a finished product represents change and moving on, but mostly deals with the struggles an individual goes through on a solitary journey.